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Yesterday, we had a heat wave. After weeks of bone chilling cold, the temperature soared to the mid-forties. For the first time since the end of November, I took my morning walk outside, along our gravel road. This morning it was still warm, so I walked outside again. And maybe because I recently took a picture of the picnic table and its tractor seats mounded with snow, I noticed the change.

In one day, the snow melted from the seats. One day. That’s all it took after weeks of winter. It made me think of a scene in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. After months of “always winter and never Christmas” Christmas finally comes, winter fades and spring arrives in Narnia. All in one short day.

One day can make a difference. It doesn’t always seem that way. We live our lives wearied by the sameness of our days, tired of waiting for something momentous to happen. We’re so busy looking for big changes we become blind to the little ones.

I didn’t see the snowflakes melting, only that the drift was gone. I wonder what else I missed, waiting for the big things.