The ground shook along our gravel road today when two talented tree guys felled the giant sugar maple just north of our house. We suspected the limb hanging right above Anne’s old bedroom was hollow after another limb from that side of the tree fell in a windstorm some years back.
We were right.
The limb was hollow. Dangerously hollow. Hollow enough to assure me that the please-God-don’t-let-the-limb-fall-on-our house prayers when stiff winds blew from the north were warranted. Naturally, we thought the trunk would be hollow, too, like three other sugar maples we’ve had removed over our years on this gravel road.
We were wrong.
Other than the one bad limb over the house, every limb, every branch, and the 3 1/3 foot in diameter truck were solid through and through. So solid the man of steel could stand on the stump,
and walk the entire length of the trunk,
which was massive,
as is the amount of wood now laying in our yard.
If you need firewood, come and get it!
I would love to have some for cooking over our fire pit. Think that would add wonderful flavor.
There’s enough wood here for decades worth of fire pit grilling. Getting it small enough to fit in your fire pit is the problem. BTW, I’m heading to Harding Co the week of Sept. 15. Will you be around?