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I’m not very happy with God today.

Several dear friends are hurting deeply,
and they will continue to hurt for a long, long time.
I spent part of today with one of them,
but couldn’t make the hurt go away.

Last night, I spent a long time on the phone with a young mom.
Her infant son and only child is hospitalized, unable to stop retching.
Her heart is broken, her sobs were wrenching,
and I couldn’t make the hurt go away.

Another mom emailed today about her five-year-old daughter who has PTSD.
She wanted advice about what course to take,
where to seek treatment,
how to make her daughter’s hurt go away.

This poor mom thinks I can give her a glimmer of hope.
But how can I help her when I can’t make my friends’ hurts go away?
When I can’t mend a mother’s broken heart?
When I can’t shield a child from pain?

Through it all, the source of my hope remains silent.
His word says he will bring good from what was meant for evil.
His work in my life confirms that promise.
But when will the hurt go away?

I’m not very happy with God today.
Still, I will trust him.