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Welcome to Cilantro Grand Central! For the third week running, the featured recipe features the zippy herb. Look for that to change in the near future when warmer weather hits, the cilantro bolts, and other herbs, fruits, and veggies find a seat in the summertime train. But for today, here’s a new marinade that was quick, easy, and flavorful.

This marinade uses the ingredients and proportions listed for a drizzling sauce for pork at Epicurious. We used boneless country style ribs (Now isn’t that an oxymoron?) instead of six boneless pork chops. Also, instead of drizzling the mixture over the meat during grilling. Here’s the mixture the pork soaked in for perhaps an hour before Hiram put it on the grill.

Grilled Pork with Cilantro and Lime Marinade

1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1 garlic clove, minced
1/4 teaspoon dried hot red-pepper flakes
1/3 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

Place meat in shallow pan. Whisk ingredients together in a small bowl and pour over meat. Flip meat over so all surfaces are covered. Refrigerate for about an hour before grilling.