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This week has been a memorable one. Even though I’m closing in on fifty-five and can’t remember nearly as much as in my whipper snapper days, it’s kind of hard to forget…

  • Sitting through your first tornado warning at the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis.
  • Zipping through the Twin Cities on confusing freeways and arriving at the destination on time and in one piece.
  • Pleading my case with a Costco service manager and walking away satisfied.
  • Seeing two dear college friends for the first time in too many years.
  • Driving home through a dizzying variety of weather – heavy rain and cold temperatures, gloomy skies and moderate temperatures, clear skies and stifling temperatures.

But there are memories yet to come in this busy week. Tomorrow our daughter graduates from Northwester College in Orange City, Iowa. So in a few hours Hiram and I are driving that direction. To get ready for the big occasion, I have…

  • Unpacked and repacked.
  • Gone grocery shopping for a meal at my cousin’s house after graduation.
  • Done the prep work for the tapioca fruit salad Anne requested be part of the meal.
  • Made a German chocolate cake to celebrate our son’s May 23rd birthday, since he and our new daughter will be at graduation, too.
  • Stared at the wall trying to decide what day it is. Oh yeah, Friday the 13th.

This rolling stone’s aging body wants to stay home, but not as much as her mind wants to join the family to celebrate our daughter’s accomplishment. But before we leave this afternoon, me and the hubby will take a short nap.

Old stones roll a little easier once they gather a little moss for the road.