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November’s 30 days of gratitude project will be over in just a few days. For the past two Tuesdays, because I seem to have trouble following the rules, I’ve listed ten reasons to be thankful per week rather than one per day. Today, I’m back with ten final reasons (in no particular order) to be grateful.

  1. Mom’s love of reading and history which she passed on to all her children.
  2. A public library that turned our kids into avid readers, and offered  books, audiobooks, and DVDs that provided endless free entertainment.
  3. Our seven years in Camp Crook where we were loved, supported and made life long friends among the hearty people in cowboy country.
  4. My dad had a great sense of humor he passed on to his kids and grandkids.
  5. Burgie’s Coffee Shop in Ames.
  6. My Uncle Jim and Aunt Donna. They added adventure and love to my young life.
  7. Family Camp in Idaho every summer.
  8. The best group of high school friends ever.
  9. A solid public school education thanks to dynamite teachers.
  10. The television show, Parenthood.

That’s the last of this year’s thankful lists. But it wouldn’t be hard to think of more. What about you? What are you thankful for today? Mention one thing or two or ten or even thirty in the comment box.