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Iowa is beastly in the summer.

Down right miserable.

Every summer, when we arrive home after a week in Idaho with it’s cool nights, clear and sunny days, bug free until sunset, I wonder why we live smack dab in the middle of the country. Why do we stay here, beset by humidity from the Gulf of Mexico, too far from the oceans to enjoy their moderating effects, with no mountains offering escape from the heat now and then? Why in the world don’t we stay in Idaho?

Then I go to our CSA and pick up our weekly share of fruits and veggies. I reach into the bag and pull out tomatoes, cantaloupe, peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, and watermelon. Finally, my heart melts like butter as I unload the last treasure in the bag.

A dozen ears of sweet corn.

Twelve ears of pleasure grown fat and full in Iowa’s rich top soil. Twelve bright yellow jewels made sweet and delectable by Iowa’s miserable weather. Twelve reasons to sweat through hot nights. Twelve reasons to look forward to supper. Twelve reasons for living.

Twelve reasons to stay in Iowa, no matter how beastly the weather.

Eat your heart out, Idaho!