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plant hoarder

Hi, my name is Jolene Philo, and I’m a plant hoarder.

Yesterday, when the man of steel and I were repotting outdoor plants, preparing them to winter over in the house, I finally realized the extent of the problem.

When we ran out of pots, were almost out of dirt, but had plenty of geraniums waiting for winter rescue, my husband looked at the porch full of the fruits of our labors and said, “We have enough plants, right?”

I started to twitch.
I pleaded, “Just one more, please?”
I whined.
I begged.

But the man of steel stood firm.

Because even though I believed we needed more,
we had enough.
Enough to winter through the winter.
Enough to harvest plenty of slips for rerooting in the spring.
Enough to use all the rain water I’m hoarding I’ve wisely stored in the basement.

That’s what my rational brain whispered,
while my hoarder brain screamed,

And that’s when I knew I needed help.
That’s why I’m at this meeting.
In a dark church basement with only one window.
With one geranium sitting on the window sill.

Would you excuse me for a moment while I break off a slip for rerooting?
Just one.
I promise.
Just one.