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No doubt about it, this spring has been one of the chilliest in recent memory. Though the weather warmed up earlier this week, yesterday the temperature slid enough to kick on the furnace. A noisy, crackling thunderstorm, complete with a soaking rain and a little hail, ushered in the day. The sky remains overcast and I keep putting off my walk, waiting for the wind to die down and the temperature to warm up. Pretty soon, I’ll have to suck it up and take a chilly walk.

But a cold spring hold blessings, too. Before we left for West Virginia, I mourned about missing the red buds, which were waking up just as we left. I was sure they would fade before our return. I didn’t consider the effects of a cold spring all across the Midwest.

Red buds were in full bloom along the southern route through Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana. Mile after mile of breath-taking color. On the return trip, the southern trees had faded, but as we drove north the blooming commenced again, even along our lane. I took this picture on Tuesday, three days after we got home. Not only the red buds, but the honeysuckles and lilacs, the irises and columbines waited to bloom until we came home – thanks to a cold spring.

Chilly blessings, I see, can be more beautiful than warm, fuzzy ones.