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Sorry this post is late going up, but I’m still recovering from a most enjoyable weekend with the women above (sorry this photo’s a little blurry) and the women below.

We spent the weekend at Hidden Acres Camp bonding, worshiping, eating without having to fix the meal or clean up afterwards, relaxing, and learning about how to practice spiritual disciplines during our current seasons of life. These women were so welcoming and so attentive. They were also so not in need of being asked to keep their hands and feet to themselves while listening to the speakers.

Way easier than fourth graders, that’s for sure!

The most heartening aspect of the conference – which had many outstanding features including gifted and committed worship leaders, the best candy bar ever, excellent breakout workshops, and a dedicated planning team – was how many young women attended. The weekend is proof of a new generation of committed Christians who are busy producing the next generation of believers.

Seriously, about every third woman below 35 was either pregnant or caring for a baby.

Thanks so much for allowing me to speak at your conference. Special thanks to Jessy who invited me way back last October, to Rachel who put together the yummiest gift basket ever, to the worship team for all your practice and equipment hauling, and to Sandy for making sure I didn’t go longer than 45 minutes. Most of all, thanks to all of you for making time in your busy lives to attend the conference and for making me feel so welcome.

You were a gift from God all weekend long!