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airplane thoughts

I know it’s not Thursday, but these three observations about airplane travel can’t wait another week. Plus I’m really tired from the trip to Long Beach, and this is all I can think of to write. So here goes:

  1. Pilots should be required to take an articulation class before being allowed to speak into the microphone. It’s no big deal when they’re impossible to understand while chatting about the weather or flight times. But if there’s an emergency, I want to be able to understand their directions.
  2. Interesting fact: If your first flight is delayed and you have to run like the parents in Home Alone to catch your next flight, and you barely get onto the plane before the doors closes, and you look r-e-a-l-l-y desperate while asking the flight attendant if you could please, please, p-l-e-a-s-e use the restroom before going to your seat, they will let you. They will even offer to watch your bags while you use the facilities. Don’t ask me how I know this.
  3. The #1 miracle worker in the flights to and from Long Beach was a young mom traveling with a daughter of about 3 1/2 and a baby boy who must have been about 8 months. The children were very well-behaved. Near the end of the flight the mom, with babe in arms, ushered the little girl down the aisle and into the bathroom. I’ve spent countless hours since then trying to imagine how a) they all fit in there, and b) how she held the baby and helped her daughter in that confined space. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it?