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Shadow Valley Worship

After a week in Alaska followed by another week in the Idaho mountains, it’s time to head home. Here are the top ten signs that say “It’s time to go back to Iowa.”

10.   The mosquitoes found us two nights ago.

9.    I ran out of calcium supplements yesterday and have just enough clean undies to make it home.

8.    The food is so good here that if I stay any longer, my clean undies won’t fit.

7.   While walking a mile to use the internet is healthy, it’s not very efficient.

6.   My fingers are itching to get back to my mystery novel.

5.   There’s this pesky book manuscript to get done by the September 1 deadline.

4.   Mom left a voice mail message this morning wondering where I was.

3.   Sweet corn season is underway in Iowa.

2.   Hiram and I plan to visit the kids and grandchild this weekend.

1.   I miss my hubby.

How do you know it’s time for a vacation to end? Leave a comment.