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So far, this week has very little resemblance to the dream agenda I drew up on Monday. See, the dream agenda listed only a few neatly, bulleted items:

  • Blog
  • Visit Mom
  • Work on marketing for Different Dream Parenting
  • Think about new book proposalGo out to lunch with a friend
  • Read
  • Eat bon bons

But the reality agenda looks more like this:

Chill out sister, it’s Labor Day

Remember annual physical appointment just in time.
End morning with prodded body, squished boobs, and a very sore arm from nasty blood draw.
Spend more on groceries than expected.
After spending the afternoon working at the library so the cleaning lady can have free reign in the house, realize she doesn’t come until next week.
Hunt for daughter’s cell phone after she emails to say it’s lost and have I seen it.
Spend morning with Mom, setting up in-home health services with the agency’s coordinator.
Take home a pile of paperwork to complete.
Find daughter’s cell phone in back seat of Mom’s car. (Long story.)
Contact daughter to say phone is found.Mail phone.
Wake up to no electricity.
Walk early, in semi-darkness, since it’s lighter outside than in the house.
Bow to the electricity god when the power comes back on hours later.
Admit bad headache was not darkness-induced.
Take Tylenol.
Deal with health care agency paperwork and feel pounds lighter.
Mop kitchen floor after spilling a container of homemade turkey broth.
Realize I forgot to blog today.

I’m fine with abandoning the dream agenda, especially since it’s been hijacked and there’s no other choice. But, I do have one itsy-bitsy nagging question, which was the motivation for this belated post.

Is there a chance of any bob bons on Friday?