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Our cousins across the pond held a big party last week to celebrate the 60th anniversary of their monarch. Queen Elizabeth. The media was full of the event. Factoids about the queen’s life were everywhere.

But one important fact escaped the media circus. My mother considers Her Royal Majesty as a constant entities in her life. So this weekend, I did a little pictorial research to see why Mom regards HRM as almost a friend. What I discovered confirms a suspicion I have long held. Though Queen Elizabeth was raised in the lap of luxury in an English palace and my mother was raised in poverty on a Minnesota farm during the Great Depression, the two women led parallel lives. Here are a few pictures to prove the point:

princesses Elizabeth and Margaret

Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret in the 1930s
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Ruth Dorothy

Mom (right) with her sister Ruth during the 1930s


Princess Elizabeth in the 1940s
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Mom in the 1940s

Queen Elizabeth

The Queen at the 60th Anniversary Celebration wearing fancy hat
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Dorothea Head Gear

Mom at family celebration wearing fancy elf hat

I know.
Parallel lives.
Sends shivers down the spine, doesn’t it?

So I’m praying that some Tuesday in the future, when Mom and I go out for lunch together, she will be at the center of a huge, fawning media circus. ‘Cause in my eyes, her life is every bit as remarkable as Queen Elizabeth’s, and I’d like the world to know it.