Being a writer and blogger isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. We don’t all live in our parents’ basements and slouch around all day in pajamas. Some of us slouch around in yoga pants and sweatshirts.
Why? Because blogging and writing gets messy. If my email inbox is any indication of what other writers go through, a lot of blood, sweat and discernment goes into sifting through frequent queries sent by wannabe guest bloggers.
Some of the queries lead to productive and mutually beneficial relationships. The guest bloggers who contribute to, my blog for parents if kids with special needs, are good examples of this. But some queries make me wonder how gullible stupid gullible and stupid these wannabe authors and/or the organizations they think bloggers are.
To give you an idea, here’s the text of an email that landed in the inbox this morning:
Hi Team, (Team? What Team?)
We have better unique content on psychotherapy which we want to publish
this on your site as a guest post. (Tip: always begin a query by dissing the content published on a site.)
This content is good matching and useful to the readers of this blog.(Good matching and useful. What does that mean?)
Once this content is published will not be shared with any other site. (How reassuring!)
Do let us know if we can send the content to you for review.
Looking forward for your positively reply. (My positively reply? Someone’s clearly suffering from adjective/adverb confusion!)
This email is not made up. It was copied and pasted exactly as received. So what do you think? Is the email legit? Would their “better unique content on psychotherapy” lend credibility to
I’m kinda waffling on how to reply to this one, so leave your positively reply comments below to help decide. Thanks!