I recently celebrated a birthday. Not one of those momentous ones with a zero at the end. But getting close. Getting very, very close. Close enough to get me thinking about what’s to dislike and like about getting older. This week’s list hits the dislikes. But you’re invited to come back next week to see what’s to like about getting older too.
10. Getting older means not being able to eat as much as and that more of what’s eaten makes its presence known in uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing ways as it makes its merry way through and out of the digestive system.
9. Some people–and this may or may not include the author of this post–become less patient as they get older. Especially with a spouse–who may or may not be the Man of Steel.
8. Replace the word “patient” in #9 with “flexible.”
7. No matter how fit and trim a person is, aches and pains increase with age.
6. As do trips to the bathroom in the night time.
5. The older a person is, the harder it is to learn a foreign language.
4. Year by year, the number of opportunities a person “has missed it by that much”–to use the words of Maxwell Smart–increases. That realization is a source of sadness for opportunities missed that had the potential of accomplishing great good.
3. Getting older does not mean people worry about their children any less.
2. Being older means more times when a person’s heart torn in two when moving away from dear friends or when dear friends move away.
1. Being older means saying final good-byes to loved ones more and more frequently with each passing year.
What do you dislike about getting older? Leave a comment.