10. Thanks to incessant media hype, people were sick of both events before either began.
9. The cost of attending both events was far too high.
8. Spectators, watching from comfy couches in their living rooms, were pretty sure they could have done a better job than the people on the screen. After all, how hard can it be to speak into a microphone or run around in the grass?
7. Fans of Downton Abbey and Biggest Loser spent the night with their noses out of joint because their favorite shows were preempted.
6. The day after the event the winners gloated, the losers pouted, and everyone else got on with their lives.
5. The spectators at both events need to go to good sportsmanship class.
4. Everyone spent way too much time arguing about the rules.
3. To make next year’s events more pleasant, commentators should evaluate their performances for cliches and phrases repeated far too often.
2. Immediately after both events, the winners were insensitive to the feelings of the losers, the losers made vicious accusations about the winners, and everyone else wondered what all the fuss was about.
1. Adults forgot that children were watching their behavior and would imitate it at the school the next day.
State of the Union Photo Source Super Bowl Stadium Photo Source