We’re enjoying our visit with our sweet daughter and son-in-law. Though they were far, far away for a year our time together is proof that their year out east didn’t diminish the family traits that show she’s our girl. Here are the top ten ways I know she’s still the person we raised back in the day:
10. Her eyes sparkle whenever she learns we’re having BLTs and sweet corn for supper. (Minus the T, just like her mom used to eat ’em.)
9. She asked me to make the family birthday cake, German chocolate, for her birthday this coming Saturday. (A favorite of Dad and Mom’s.)
8. She and dairy products don’t get along. (Mom’s side of the fam.)
7. At her PT appointment last week, she was diagnosed with hip displaysia. (Just like her dad.)
6. She pitches right in (and so does her hubby) when it’s time to wash windows, dust, weed, strip the beds, do laundry, and wash dishes. (Early childhood training by both parents.)
5. Anne loves to sniff out a good bargain. (We prefer to call this trait, passed along by both parents, “thrifty” rather than “cheap.”)
4. Anne’s reading her way through the murder mysteries on her mom’s bedside table and is ready to go the library for more tomorrow.
3. Like her dad, she’s always making stuff.
2. Like her mom, she’s always writing something.
1. Our house feels more like home when she and her husband are here.
What family traits do you see in your children? Leave a comment about the ones you’re willing to claim!