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Thanksgiving baking

10. Our home is pet-free, so we can take off whenever we want.

9.   Costco’s yellow legal pads and architecture mechanical pencils. Don’t know why, but they make me very happy.

8.   The internet. It makes the writer’s life so much easier.

7.   Public libraries. Without them I’d have to sell internal organs to pay for my reading habit.

6.   We are healthy and active. Good health is an undeserved blessing we too often take for granted.

5.   My husband. He said “Go for it” without batting an eye when I decided to quit teaching and give writing a try.

4.   A mother who taught all her children to cook. Really, really well.

3.   Grandma Conrad’s pie crust recipe. Yes, the recipe came from Mom when she taught us to cook.

2.   The family’s coming to our house for Thanksgiving. I’d much rather cook than pack.

1.   Mom will tell the same stories she always tells. And I’ll be glad to hear them all over again since that means she’s still here!

What will you be thankful for this Thanksgiving? Leave a comment!