- If you want to avoid crowds in Istanbul, schedule your sight seeing between thunderstorms on the morning Ramadan ends. The streets will be completely deserted.
- If you want to stay awake on the drive home from the airport after a 11 hour flight from Istanbul, schedule your return trip for a sultry July night when thunderstorms are building before your eyes.
- If you want to feel loved, schedule a trip to Latvia with Istanbul lay overs that bookend a terrorist attack in the airport where you are flying in and out, and know that your friends and family are praying you home.
Thanks to all of you and to the great God who chose to spare my life when others perished. Please pray for the victims of the bombing and for the innocent people of Istanbul who have been tarred with the terrorist brush.
I rejoice with you that you are home safely and yes the power of prayer is beyond what is happening around us.