After being home for the better part of two uninterrupted weeks now, things are shaping up around here. I’m not bragging but by staying put, this woman has gotten bucket loads done.
In thirteen short days, I have cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen (for the first time in months), weeded most of the flowerbeds, sorted wedding pictures, sent thank you notes, mailed cards to friends, remembered both my niece and sister’s birthdays, visited Mom, helped at the church, baked three pies (and cooked several meals, but only dessert matters), attended writers’ group, attended book club, gone out to lunch – twice with my hubby and twice with friends.
“And,” to coin a phrase from infomercials, “that’s not all!” Since August 7th I’ve entertained our daughter and new son overnight, cut my fingernails, gotten a haircut, plugged a drain in the basement, and sent discs of wedding pictures to family members I later learned already had received copies. Sigh.
But (think infomercial again) there’s more! On the book writing side of things, I’ve scheduled over a dozen interviews, written interview questions, and learned how to use a digital recorder. Best of all I’ve created some dandy record-keeping forms, full of rows and columns and check off boxes, which will keep track of information collected from interviews, books, and the internet.
The left brain side of me is groovin’ on the rows and columns big time.
And today, right now, as soon as this entry is posted, I’m gonna dabble my toes into iCal. The plan is to set up reminder system for me and the people being interviewed so we all get to the phone or the interview site at the same time.
The right brain side of me – the part that gets so involved in thinking about write that it loses track of time, and the part that gets hopefully confused when trying to figure out what hour it is in different time zones – is groovin’ on the iCal concept big time.
Both sides of my brain are looking back on the past two weeks and doing the same dance. They’re closing their eyes, clicking their heels together, and murmuring the truest words ever spoken.
There’s no place like home.
There’s no place like home.
There’s no place like home.