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With a book deadline breathing down my neck, this summer has required some difficult choices. The hardest was the decision not to attend the July Family Camp at Shadow Valley in Idaho. Another, not nearly so difficult, was to cut back on blogging. Today’s post combines the two decisions by taking a peek back at a historic moment at last year’s Family Camp.


Yesterday, this view was the backdrop for Sunday morning worship at family camp.

IMG 2642 1024x682 The Shadow Valley Guitar: First You Cut Down a TreeBeautiful guitar music accompanied the singing.

IMG 2626 682x1024 The Shadow Valley Guitar: First You Cut Down a TreeThe beautiful guitar was made from wood cut from a tree that grew only yards away from where we gathered to worship.

Hiram guitar 1024x682 The Shadow Valley Guitar: First You Cut Down a TreeThe only missing link was Hiram, the man who made the guitar, unable to be present because of limited vacation time. But everyone in attendance was thinking of him and grateful for his gift to Shadow Valley Camp, the gift of music to a family who loves to sing.

To learn more about how the guitar was made, the story is online at First You Cut Down a Tree. As wife of the guitar maker I may be biased, but the process is fascinating. So take a look and if you like what you see, leave a comment at either blog or both. Both the guitar maker and his wife would love to hear what you think!

P.S. Our grandson is so fascinated by his Papoo who makes guitars that we are using the photos of the process to make a picture book for his birthday. He’s gonna love it!