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This photo was taken the day before yesterday, and it’s a hook to get you to read the blog.
Yesterday was so grueling, we didn’t even make it to the lake. Instead, we slaved at Ginger’s house, with its beautiful view of the mountains. She worked on the book’s climax chapter while I edited the manuscript and tackled the book proposal.

Even the most seasoned writers will tell you book proposals are pure torture. A proposal includes the following: a title page, a hook, a 1 – 3 page synopsis of the plot, an overview which describes the books uniqueness and closest competitors, author credentials, a table of contents with a short summary of each chapter, short descriptions of the main characters and the first three chapters of the manuscript.

Since I’m a poorly seasoned writer, the hook bogged me down immediately. In 30 words or less, the hook tells why people would want to read the book. How could I condense the essence of a 100,000 word novel into a 30 word sales pitch? It took a day’s worth of blood, sweat and tears and no view of the lake. But I did it, and Ginger agreed we should post it on the blog. If you have any feedback, email me or leave a comment here. If you suggest changes, remember the hook’s 30 word limit!

The Hook

A Montana rancher disappears and Detective Gina Lindsey investigates. Suspense mounts when she exposes a crime ring and confronts her lack of faith in an invisible, loving God.

So have at it. I may not respond to your suggestions for a while. Hiram and Anne arrive today, and we’re driving Clark’s Fork, Idaho. We’ll spend the next week at a mountainside family camp without easy internet access.

Thanks for your help.