Those of you who read yesterday’s post know I’m a little testy this week. “2 much technology 4 me 2 do,” as a Twitter post would say. And since Twitter is one of Technology woman’s testiness catalysts, it deserves a mention here.
However, progress has been made in the past 24 hours. The website is coming along slowly but surely, and my web guy may not be the whip cracker first impressions made him out to be. And while I’m not quite moving forward in the Twitter sea, I am treading water which is a step up from the drowning sensation of last week.
But the big news is that the publicist at Discovery House Publishers completed the book trailer for A Different Dream for My Child and posted it at a variety of places on the web, including YouTube. If you’re wondering what a book trailer is, you can find out by clicking this link. Of course, that’s assuming this technology woman wannabe follows directions so everything works like it should.