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Welcome Back, Prodigal Tweezers

Welcome Back, Prodigal Tweezers

Prodigal tweezers

2012 is ending with a bang at our house. Not because we’ve been invited to a rockin’ New Year’ Eve party. But because our long lost, prodigal tweezers have been found.

Some of you may recall the sad fairy tale this grim mother wrote in May. The fairy tale that bemoaned the loss of the excellent pair of tweezers we had owned for many, many years. The fairy tale about our inability to replace them with a pair of comparable calibar. For those of you who don’t remember the tale or never read it, now you understand the unibrow I sported all summer and fall.

But not anymore.

Because the man of steel found the tweezers in his toiletry travel bag. The discovery was so exciting, we greeted our prodigal tweezers with open arms. “So you don’t care that the tweezers were lost for six months in my toiletry bag?” Hiram asked.

“Not one bit,”I replied. “Let’s kill the fatted calf and have a feast! Let’s dress the tweezers in a fine robe and slip a gold ring on its finger.”

“Tweezers don’t have fingers,” the man of steel reminded me.

With a perky little shake of my head, I answered, “That’s okay, because I’ve got ten of them.”  Then I used my fingers to pick up those tweezers and start plucking.

How can 2013 possibly be any better than this?

Monday Morning Travel Musings

Monday Morning Travel Musings

For more than a week, I’ve been on the road. Whether the travel’s been for personal or professional reasons, the time behind the wheel left plenty of time for this Monday’s musings.

  1. Being a grandma is the best job ever.
  2. Fall is a lovely time for traveling in the Midwest.
  3. Panera has the healthiest fast food (and tastiest coffee) of any franchise chain.
  4. My new mission in life is to explain to food service workers that “dairy-free” means more than no visible cheese, yogurt, or ice cream on whatever you order.
  5. Box elder bugs are taking over the world.
  6. Dorothy knew what she was talking about when she clicked those ruby slippers together and said there’s no place like home–even when you get home and find box elder bugs are waiting to greet you–lined up three deep on the threshold.

What are your latest travel musings? Leave a comment.

Three Road Trip Thoughts for Thursday

Three Road Trip Thoughts for Thursday


We arrived home safely yesterday evening from a road trip to see our Ohio kids. The four days with them flew by. But since our return, the boring business of unpacking, sorting, laundry, plant-watering, grocery shopping, and figuring out what I was working on before we left continues with no end in sight. All these menial tasks left plenty of time to think up this Thursday’s three road tripping thoughts:

  1. Surely some mechanical person could invent a washer/dryer unit to attach to car engines. Travelers could start a load during every potty and gas break on the trip home, fold clothes in the back seat, and check laundry off their to do list when they pull into the driveway. YES!
  2. There’s nothing like entering the house after a long trip and realizing the cleaning lady left shortly before you came home.
  3. No matter how hard I try, I’m not a good packer. How could I know there wouldn’t be time to read the two books tucked in the suitcase, but that the Road Kill Cookbook and Granny Clampett would have come in handy after Hiram nailed a possum strolling across the highway?

Have you been traveling lately? What thoughts do you have about your adventure? Leave a comment.