For years, he’s kept us awake at night with his hooting and hollering.
Twice, shrouded in the grey light of early morning, I’ve spied him flying across the road.
Yesterday morning, he was on a fencepost beside the gate, in the mood for a photo shoot.
Today, let’s give a hearty, hi-howdy to to my owly, reclusive, magnificent neighbor.
May your days be many and your mouse harvest mighty, sly friend!
Great photo, Jolene!
What a neat picture! It is a barred owl. We have been hearing it at night. It’s call sounds like it is saying “who cooks for you”. We have heard and seen several great horned owls but how neat for you to get to see this owl and get such a great picture!
I was amazed to get so close and in the car, no less! Yesterday, a friend said she jogged down our road this weekend and saw it, too. It was flying over the road and then settled on a fence post. Hopefully, you’ll get to see it, too.
Thanks Pam.