Here it is, Monday morning again. I woke up feeling sort of overwhelmed. All weekend, I furiously transcribed interview tapes for my Different Dream book, with an eye to the fast-approaching manuscript deadline. But I still have two tapes to finish and each takes from 3 – 5 hours to complete. Add to that the book proposal Ginger and I need to get to interested publishers and agents, two upcoming speaking engagements, and a mom who isn’t feeling the greatest these days. No wonder I felt overwhelmed.
But I have hope. Today during my walk, as I reviewed Bible verses, they reminded me that God worked out the timing for this busy schedule long ago. Later as I prayed about how to structure my day and stay on track, I had another overwhelming sensation. I sensed a voice whispering to me, “It will be all right. Everything will be all right.”
The whisper reminded me of something I transcribed yesterday. I interviewed a couple who, thirty years, endured the birth of a baby who needed numerous surgeries to save his life. The baby is now a fine young man and a new father. But in the years following his precarious beginning, his parents also experienced two or three miscarriages, a baby who died at birth, the adoption of a healthy baby and finally the normal birth of a normal child.
I asked them if they were on pins and needles during that last pregnancy. The mom said, “I did a lot of praying. It was just like somehow – not that I wasn’t scared – somehow I knew things were going to be OK.”
I wasn’t sure I believed her at the time of the interview. Even yesterday when I transcribed her words, I didn’t understand her response. But this morning, I do. Because I’ve heard that still, small voice telling me the same thing. Now I’m overwhelmed by the peace that passes all understanding. And I’m ready to get to work.