Happy day after Thanksgiving to everyone! How many of you are clutching your stomachs wondering why you ate an extra piece of pie yesterday?
Raise your hands high. I want an accurate count.
My family is still anticipating our day of gluttony as we gather together tomorrow at our house for a day of feasting and fun. Therefore, this morning I baked three pies–mincemeat, cherry, and strawberry-rhubarb–which could be overkill since our crowd will number 15, one of whom does not yet eat solid food. Plus my niece is bringing cupcakes. And my sister’s bringing tapioca fruit salad.
But I digress. Back to the pies.
The strawberry-rhubarb wasn’t on the menu. But when Hiram brought up the apple pie I made and popped in the freezer last spring, it turned out to be strawberry-rhubarb. The mincemeat pie and cherry were on the menu. But the cherry pie ran over and dripped onto the mincemeat.
So it’s not really mincemeat. It’s chincemeat.
Which I hope will be okay with the fam. And it probably will since Mom says a good pie always runs over. So these pies aren’t just gonna be good. They’re gonna be great. And on Sunday, everyone will be holding their stomachs and wondering why they ate that extra piece of pie.
My pie runneth over. And life is good.