Camp Dorothy is gearing up for Christmas, or to be exactly exact, for pre-Christmas. Over the actual holiday, the camp’s namesake will be heading to points north to spend a few days with her oldest daughter’s family. The camp namesake’s view of the travel plans?
Why am I going further north in December?
The answer, in the camp director’s opinion, is simple. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of activities for the campers–Judge Judy, naps, games of Rummicube, naps, Wheel of Fortune, naps, 3 square meals a day plus snacks, naps, library runs for the camp’s namesake, naps, The Price Is Right, naps, Man of Steel flat on his back for five days, naps, out-of-town doctors’ appointments for both campers with the camp director as chauffeur by the camp director, and more naps. Enough of a whirlwind of activity that the camp director one of the campers needs some down time. The camp director’s view of the travel plans?
Where better to relax and watch the snow fall than further north in December?
The camp’s namesake isn’t buying her younger daughter’s logic, but she brightened when the camp director said Dorothy’s oldest daughter bought her mother a new pair of fleecy, fuzzy, warm pajamas. Perfect December attire for Camp Dorothy North activities such as Judge Judy, naps, games of Rummikube, naps, Wheel of Fortune, naps, 3 square meals a day plus snacks, naps, fighting over a favorite chair with two lovable pooches, naps, The Price Is Right, naps, watching the snow fall, naps and the like.
Vanna White, eat your heart out.
In other camp news, the Man of Steel is feeling much better. By Tuesday, he took over duties in the camp laundry. By Wednesday, he resumed his duties as the camp handyman, and by Thursday he was back at work. And on Saturday, he filled as camp director so the full time director could have an entire afternoon to herself. When she returned after a few hours at her favorite coffee shop, the Christmas tree was up. Apparently, the Man of Steel added camp decorator to his resume during her absence.
What a guy.
Surrounded by such thoughtfulness, with the Christmas tree up and the lights twinkling, the camp’s namesake dozing during television Christmas specials, and the Man of Steel wearing a cranberry red sweater, it’s beginning to look and feel a lot like pre-Christmas around here.
From everyone at Camp Dorothy to everyone at your house, Merry pre-Christmas to you!