Have you made a list of what you’re thankful for this Thanksgiving? If you haven’t the day’s still young. You can make your list while the turkey’s baking or during the football replays. Maybe my top ten list will give you a few ideas. Here goes:
10. I’m 53, and I can walk. My dad was in a wheelchair for almost 40 years, and his
disability taught me to never take two good legs for granted.
9. In March, Mom’s house sold in one day in the middle of the biggest housing slump
in decades. What a blessing!
8. I have to watch my weight. In a world where people go to bed hungry, how can I
grumble about needing to diet?
7. The wrinkle lines on my face are getting deeper, but my husband still likes the way I
6. My husband’s bald and going gray, but I like the way he looks.
5. My idiot-proof HD Flip camcorder.
4. Our former dog, the Barney Fife of all dachshunds, loves living at my brother’s
house and is in love with my sister-in-law.
3. Some readers have sent me fan mail, saying A Different Dream for My Child helped
them through a hard time.
2. Our son is in love with a wonderful young woman, and our daughter is in love with a
wonderful young man.
1. I can call both my kids whenever I want. After six years of restricted access to our
son, phoning both of them (and hearing they’ve called each other) is still a huge
Now, make your own Thanksgiving list and give thanks to the Fount of every blessing before you eat. A grateful heart is a great flavor enhancer!