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Four years ago, when I told my sibs I had signed on with an agent, they were a little suspicious. Okay, so they were used to my slightly embellished stories from childhood and my drama queen tendencies, but would I spread a story about a make-believe agent?

Past experience convinced them I would, and for years I had no way to prove them wrong other than our contract which, out of modesty, I don’t flash around. In the years since I met Les, we haven’t connected much so any other kind of proof was in short supply. I attended a workshop Les conducted at my very first writing conference in 2002, but we didn’t meet. All our correspondence after I signed with him in 2004 was through email until the spring of 2006 when we met at Mt. Hermon, but I was too giddy to ask anyone to take our picture.

But this past September, were both at the American Fiction Christian Writer’s Conference in Minneapolis, and he asked if I’d like to go to dinner and meet some of his other clients. I said yes in a hurry. Two clients had their cameras with them, and after dinner we asked our server to take a picture of us. I begged the others to send me a picture, citing my need for credibility with those who know me best. So here’s proof. The gentleman in the middle is my agent, Les Stobbe. From left to right, the writers are Beverly C. Varnado, Sue Duffy, Martha B. Hook, and me.

I’m pleased to announce that Les has agreed to represent the Gina Lindsey Mystery Series co-written by Jolene Philo and Virgiinia Work. With that news, I need to quit blogging. It’s time to work on my two manuscripts and give something to keep Les busy.