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Hiram and I must be gluttons for punishment, diving into another bathroom remodeling project. We managed to finish the last one – adding a shower to the upstairs bathroom tub which required tearing out old tile and putting in new plumbing, new sheetrock, new tile, and new plumbing – the day before the kids came to celebrate Christmas.

That project was step one of our present project, turning the bathroom next to the kitchen into a laundry room. Last Saturday, Hiram moved on to step two. He tore out the old shower stall. It nearly killed him to pitch the shower door (which he thought was in perfectly good condition), and he couldn’t bear to throw out the top quality shower head (if anyone needs one, contact me please), but everything else was good riddance to bad rubbish.

As with any remodeling project, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is two-fold. The new stackable washer and dryer, which Lowes has patiently stored for two months and is willing to keep for a month or two more, will fit nicely in the old shower stall space. So we don’t have to tear out the closet beside it or the lowered ceiling above it to make room.  And since the space used to house a shower, the drains and pipes are already there. Hiram will just move them a wee bit, put in a new electrical outlet, beautify the floor and sheetrock, and we’re in the first floor laundry business.

Now for the bad news. Um, the bad news. Well, the bad news is that there isn’t any bad news. The project looks like it will be less work and less expensive than anticipated, which is bad news for gluttons for punishment. Because gluttons for punishment don’t want nice. They want punishment. So either we need bad news, or Hiram and I can’t call ourselves gluttons for punishment. Instead we’ll need to take a trip to a warm place next January instead of launching another remodeling project.
Which sounds like good news to me. Best case scenario? We find a hotel that gives discount rates to couples who bring their own deluxe shower head. Wouldn’t that be good news for a couple ex-gluttons for punishment?