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July’s hot, humid weather doesn’t endear the month to most Iowans, unless they are swimming pool managers or own a Tropical Snow kiosk. But the first half of the month makes my top ten list because during those weeks, my flower bed reaches its peak.

The flower bed is low maintenance, not because the flowers in it are easy to care for, but because I’m more of a talker than a doer when it’s time for nitty-gritty gardening. See, I’m not big into heat, sweat, dirt, mud, hauling garden hoses around the yard, poisonous herbicides and insecticides.

So, you might be asking, why does the woman have all those flower beds? I’ll tell you why. They were here when we moved in and can’t be taken out, thanks to the concrete bed liners someone installed back in the day when things were built to last. Basically, we’re stuck with them, and this is why I like the first half of July. For this brief Camelotian moment, there is no better spot for happy ever aftering than my flower garden.

If you’re in need of a fairy tale moment, now is the time for you to come to our house. You can spray yourself down with bug repellent and plunk down by my flower beds from now until about July 15. But bring your own lawn chairs. Ours went missing a few weeks ago after a picnic in the park.

Just goes to show how quickly these things pass. So don’t wait! This fairy tale moment is available now. Come quick before it’s gone for another year!