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Peach-Apricot Smoothie

I came home from the grocery store a few days ago with two bargain bags of fruit. One was full of peaches, some a bit dinged and on the ripe side, but for the most part perfect for fresh peach pie. The other bag was mostly imperfect apples, which the man of steel likes to slice and dip in peanut butter, with a few imperfect apricots thrown in for good measure.

Having paid the princely sum of $2.49 for each half-peck, I wasn’t about to waste any of the fruit. That presented a problem. Because much as the flavor of apricots makes me swoon, their texture is not my favorite. And there weren’t enough apricots for a smoothie. Instead, I searched for recipes for peach-apricot smoothies.

It took a little digging to find one with ingredients that could easily be converted to non-dairy. I couldn’t find any without yogurt, but did find one at The Fountain Avenue Kitchen that would do. From what the site said, I decided to substitute extra fruit for the yogurt and exchange the orange juice with almond milk and a little Coffee Rich. The end result was fantabulous! I’ll be stalking the bargain bin section of our local produce aisle for more ingredients soon.

Dairy Free Peach-Apricot Smoothie

2 1/2 cups mixture of pitted, chopped apricots and peeled peaches*
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup ice
2 tablespoons Coffee Rich
2/3 cup almond milk
Honey or other sweetener to taste (I used a couple teaspoons of agave)

 Place first 3 ingredients in the blender and blend until completely smooth, scraping down the sides of the blender if needed. Add sweetener to taste and blend again. Pour into two large glasses.

*I hate to peel peaches. So I boiled water in a saucepan, and dipped the apricots and peaches in it for about a minute to make them easy to peel.