The kitchen is closed on our gravel road today because the man of steel and I are going out to eat to celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary. This recipe for baked beans, a popular summer side dish, comes from my cousin Gary. I haven’t tried it yet (the man of steel isn’t a big bean lover), but want to take the dish to a potluck meal soon.
Cousin Gary’s Baked Beans
1- 28 oz can Van Camps’ Old Fashioned Baked Beans, Sweet Hickory and Bacon
1- 21 oz can of apple pie filling
2 tablespoons of mild molasses
¼ cup brown sugar
1 cup walnuts
Pour beans into a large microwavable bowl.Place apple pie filling into a flat bottom bowl and chop apples into smaller pieces. Stir apple pie filling into beans. Chop walnuts into medium to fine pieces, depending on your preference. Add chopped walnuts, molasses, and brown sugar to bean/apple mixture.
Microwave on high for 10 minutes. Stir. Microwave on high for 10 more minutes. Cook longer for thicker beans.