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Yesterday, an editor from Discovery House Publishers (DHP) emailed to say the cover design for Different Dream Parenting had been finalized. She also sent a jpeg attachement of the design. I held my breath while clicking it open, certain nothing could top the beautiful cover created for A Different Dream for My Child.

But I was wrong. Way wrong.

The new cover is every bit as lovely and inviting as the first one. The designer even heeded my timid suggestion that the new cover include some elements from the previous book’s cover so the two look like a matched set. Of course, being wholly deficient in the finer points of graphic, I had no idea of how the feat could be achieved. But some nameless artistic whiz did a bang up job, right down to the tiny teddy bear that still sends chills down my spine.

More on that story in another blog entry.

The cover is so good I want to crow with delight. And I’m sorely tempted to strut my stuff, except I don’t have any stuff to strut. The design, no matter how lovely, will look pretty silly if there’s nothing between the front and back covers. Which means it’s time to start writing. But before I get to work, please grant one tiny delight.
