Thanks to the nasty Winter of 2014, Camp Dorothy overnight jaunts have been on hold since the end of December. That’s when the camp’s namesake went to Minnesota for Camp-Dorothy-Christmas-with-the-Family and came back with the annual white elephant gift exchange’s most highly coveted white elephant gift: the 2014 Hunk of the Month Calendar with her son’s photo receiving top billing. (See photo above.)
Throughout the winter months, Camp Dorothy festivities were reduced to Tuesday outings. Activities were limited to doctor appointments, hair appointments and shopping trips to Walgreens, all of which were accompanied by groans and excuses from the camp’s namesake about why she should stay in the car while the camp director did all the errand running and shopping. The high point of each outing was lunch, an event that found the camp’s namesake ready to hop out of the car and trundle into the restaurant with nary a complaint.
The highlight of last week’s day camp was a conversation that falls into the yes-an-85-year-old-mother-can-still-make-her-nearing-60-daughter-crazy category. The camp director/daughter opened the conversation with the following statement. “I’m actually making supper tomorrow night. I’ve been traveling so much lately I’ll have to learn how to cook again.”
To which the camp namesake replied, ” Complain, complain, complain. I feel so sorry for you, Jo.”
Innocently, the camp director objected, “I didn’t mean to complain. But I haven’t cooked for a while and need to get back into the groove.”
“Always an excuse,” the 85-year-old replied. “You’ve always got an excuse. You’re life is just so hard.”
The camp director’s sputtered, “But…but…how can you razz me when you don’t cook at all anymore?”
‘That’s right,” she said proudly. “I turned all that over to your brother. It’s not my problem anymore. Though he bugs me until I help clean out the dishwasher. He’s so unreasonable.”
“Yet you’re chastising me for saying I haven’t cooked for so long I need to learn how to do it again.” The camp director turned her head to hide the twitch in her eye.
The camp namesake smiled smugly and looked out the window. “Always a comeback, Jo. Always a comeback. You came out talking and haven’t stopped since.”