Once upon a time there was a woman named Bushybrows. Because she had bushy eyebrows. They were bushy because on a trip to visit her daughter who lives in a far away land, Bushybrows lost the magical, scissor-type, slant end tweezers she’d used to pluck her brows for years and years.
When Bushybrows returned from the journey and looked in the mirror, she was desperate for a new pair of tweezers, just like her old ones. But alas, at the store she discovered they no longer made the magical tweezers she loved. So she purchased a pair of slant-end tweezers – not the cheapest and not the most expensive – and skipped merrily home.
But when she tried the tweezers, they turned out to be Papa Tweezers – TOO BIG for her bushy, yet dainty brow.
So Bushybrows went to another store and bought a smaller, cheaper pair of tweezers and skipped merrily home.
But when she got home and tried the tweezers, they turned out to be Mama Tweezers.
TOO WIMPY for her wiry, yet dainty brows.
So Bushybrows went to a third store and after looking at all the tweezers, purchased a pair she hoped would be JUST RIGHT, and skipped home merrily to give them a try.
Alas they turned out to be only so-so.
That is to say, they do the job.
Sort of.
If Bushybrows concentrates really hard and doesn’t mind constantly pinching her skin.
But the process isn’t magical, not like the old tweezers were.
Bushybrow’s thinking they don’t make things like they used to.
And maybe it’s time for the uni-brow to make a come back.
How’s that for an unhappy ending to this Grim Mother’s bear of a tale?