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This is one of those days when we’re thankful our former pet, Abby the dog, moved in with my brother and sister-in-law. She went to live with them a few years back, after Anne went to college, and I started traveling more.

This weekend, while we were helping Anne and her husband move, my sister-in-law texted to say Abby had had a seizure. A bad one that required sedation. The next text said Abby was doing better, but today’s message said they’d started again.

Worse than ever.

My sister-in-law, who created dog heaven on earth for Abby since she joined their family, is taking this health turn for the worse very hard. She said it’s hard to watch this pipsqueak of a critter suffer so. I can’t imagine what she’s going through.

But I do know this.

If not for my sister-in-law’s soft heart and willingness to welcome our former pet into her home, Abby would have suffered much more this weekend, kenneled while we were gone or being cared for by a friend.  We would have worried and driven too fast to get home to her. Still she might have thought we’d abandoned her.

Instead, Abby feels loved.

Today, even suffering seizures, our former doggy is not alone. She’s surrounded by people who will do everything they can to alleviate her suffering. People who will cry for her and care for her and attend to her every need.

Thank you, Val, for loving her so.