In the past 2 weeks, the Man of Steel and I enjoyed the company of our two youngest grandbabies, ages 5 months and 8 months. They taught us several important lessons, which we want to pass along to you. Next week I’ll be back with what our almost 3-year-old grandchild taught us, too.
10. Grandparents who want to buy a brand new car can rationalize the purchase because of the LATCH child seat feature. It’s all about keeping the little ones safe.
9. Getting things into the mouth is the most important thing.
8. Cloth diapers are a good choice.
7. The outdoors is an amazing classroom.
6. Every moment is a teachable moment.
5. Intergenerational relationships are a precious treasure worth cultivating.
4. Bouncing up and down on Grammy’s legs must be done even when it leaves bruises. On Grammy. Not the baby.
3. When babies fuss, hand them back.
2. Each smile from a grandbaby is a reason for celebration and great joy.
1. Saying good-bye to a grandbaby is like attending the funeral of a loved one. The next time you meet, the baby will be a whole, new person.
What have you learned from your grandbabies? Leave a comment.