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windmill farm

The weekend included ten hours road trippin’ with the rellies to a family funeral. Plenty of time for conversation among people who are never at a loss for words. Here are the top ten comments made by or in response to one member of our contingent as the miles rolled by.

During daylight hours:

10.  Look at all the windmills.

9.    Look at all the barn quilts.

8.    Whewee! Somebody’s been spreading pig manure.

7.    Look at all the windmills.

6.    One more stiff wind, and that barn’ll be on the ground.

After sunset:

5.    Look at all the lights on the windmills.

4.    Jo, are you sleeping in the back seat while your brother drives?

3.     Not anymore, Mom.

2.    The lights on the windmills almost look like a city.

1.    Did you know Lois didn’t like to sleep with me when we were girls because I sucked on her earlobe?

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