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10.   My bestie and I went shoe shopping at an outlet store where I scored a new pair of inexpensive winter boots. Now I’m praying they will languish in the closet for years.

9.    My bestie and I found butter-flavor infused olive oil at a specialty store. It tastes buttery, but has no dairy. Heaven, I’m in heaven!

8.    My baguette at Panera was a heel. And it was still warm.

7.    The hotel candy jar was stocked with cherry Lifesavers. How did they know I was coming?

6.    The second night in the hotel, I finally found the light blocking window shade and got a good night’s sleep. The shade was cleverly hidden behind the sheer curtain. Whodda’ thunk it?

5.    So far, no Michigan U-turns. (See diagram above for details.)

4.    Despite rivers running this way and that, the people who laid out streets in Grand Rapids share my learning style. Which makes driving much easier.

3.    We drove by the Amway headquarters yesterday. I was expecting pyramid-themed buildings and was pleasantly surprised by lots of pretty flags instead.

2.    The fall colors are breath-taking.

1.    At a meeting with my publishers, they said one of their employees can handle the technical wizardry necessary for a marketing idea. Thank you, DHP!