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10. Summer feels like a series of weeks when playing hookey from school is perfectly okay.

9.   Walking by the city swimming pool in the morning and smelling the chlorine.

8.   Road trips.

7.   Leaving coats and jackets in the closet for weeks on end.

6.   Watermelon.

5.   Sleeping with the windows open at night.

4.   Waking up early to the eastern sky already lightening with the dawn.

3.   Birdsong.

2.   Hanging clothes on the line which allows me to a) save electricity, b) feel virtuous about doing it, c) make the laundry smell wonderful, and d) work on my tan all at the same time.

1.   Enjoy the fruits (see strawberry photo above) and veggies that come in our weekly CSA share on Tuesdays.

What do you like best about summer? Leave a comment.