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A couple weeks ago, I took a meal over for a friend of mine – a mother of 6 who broke her wrist quite badly. Now, I stand in awe of this woman even when her wrist isn’t broken. I barely survived raising 2 kids, but she makes caring for her 6 kids look so easy. And she’s still sane.


Over the years, I’ve learned to listen when this woman talks. Still, she surprised me when I dropped off the meal. “Thanks so much,” she said. “This is a really busy time for you.”

Though she was right – that week, the book deadline and the speaking engagement were breathing down my neck. “So,” she persisted, “After your book is in, are you going to take some time off?”

Though I couldn’t see my expression, I’m pretty sure it was a blank stare. ‘Cause all I could think was, That’s nothing compared with what you do every day of the year. I am such a slouch and a whiner to boot. “A break?” I stammered. “Why would I take a break?”

She smiled. “In the last 12 months, you’ve had two weddings and written a book. You need some time off.”

Told you she’s an amazing woman.

If anyone else had given me that advice, I would have scoffed. But not this one. If she says I need a break, I need a break. So I am officially declaring this as my week off. I’m gonna
do what I want to do around the house,
spend some time shopping,
visit a book store,
frequent coffee shops.

One year ago today, I was dancing at my son and new daughter’s wedding. Today I’m kicking off my stay-cation by cleaning my car and buying humus and pita chips for lunch.

What would my amazing woman friend would think of the agenda? I don’t know.

All I know is that it’s not two weddings and a book. Which makes it the break I need. Let the fun begin!