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National Library Week (April 14–20, 2013) is almost here. To celebrate the event and as a life long library lover, it took only a few minutes to come up with the ten things I love best about libraries.

10.  Books smell good.

9.    Going through the security gate at the library gives the illusion of air travel without packing a suitcase behind you or having to take off your shoes for the TSA officials.

8.    Every item in a library has a proper place…a very soothing prospect for those of us who are OCD who crave order.

7.    Walking into a library where you have free access to books, DVDs, audiotapes and much more is a most luxurious, almost decadent, sensation.

6.    Libraries are full of librarians, most of whom are very friendly and helpful people.

5.    Libraries are adventures waiting to be experienced.

4.    Reading books read by others makes me (and I hope you) feel connected to other readers.

3.    Going to the library with Mom is one of my earliest memories.The library was the only place she let my sibs and I visit as often as we liked.

2.    Taking my kids to the library is one of my happiest Mommy memories, too.

1.    Life is always better when accompanied by a book.

Please feel free to add your reasons in the comment box. Maybe we can encourage more people to visit their local libraries more often!