Looking for a special a treat to plop in your Easter basket come Sunday morning? Here’s one that’s better than chocolate, better than dyed eggs, better than jelly beans, better than live chicks and bunnies, better than stuffed animals.
Drum roll please…
It’s a sneak peek at my upcoming book, Different Dream Parenting. And it’s not just a page loaded with informative content, chosen willy nilly from any old chapter in the book.
Another drum roll please…
It’s an excerpt from the index. Yes, you heard that right. It’s a sneak peek at the one section packed with features found nowhere else in the book:
alphabetical order,
straight right columns,
key words and concepts,
discriminating capital letters,
commas and semi-colons,
and other goodies that make the hearts of left-brained librarians go pitter pat.
Please keep in mind this is just the first draft. I’ll be adding lots more juicy, tantalizing key words and phrases during the rewrite – you know, the kind of stuff that really grabs the reader so they keep turning pages and coming back for more. Sometime in the future, page numbers will make an appearance, but not quite yet. And the editor just emailed to say the house prefers running outlines over tabbed one. So today, I’ll be adding teeny, tiny feet to each page and shoving them into miniature cross trainers so this index can run like the wind. But not now. Not yet. Now’s the time for your sneak peek at Different Dream Parenting.
A final drum roll please….
individualized educational plans (IEP),
sample forms,
Dougy Center,
Down Syndrome,
Durable power of attorney,
Early childhood intervention,
Eareckson Tada, Joni,
Easter Seals,
Elks Club,
Emergency preparedness plan,
Estate planning. See Financial and estate planning
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR),
Exceptional Parent Magazine,
Extended family,
Are you a little breathless? Hankering to hurry on over to Amazon and pre-order the book? Dying for the sequel? Well, stay tuned, ‘cause when the running index revision is done, you’ll get another sneak peek.
Same time.
Same website.
All new content.
All the time.
We aim to please.