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Organizational Hold Outs

Organization is an innate ability for some, but for the rest of us it’s a constant struggle. Over the years my organization has improved, but many chaotic black holes remain. Here are the top ten at our place:

10.  CDs of speaking gigs. Anyone have a good idea of how to keep track of them?

9.    Outdoor flowerbeds. The weeds hold a personal vendetta against my best efforts to tame them.

8.   The back of the refrigerator. Lack of organization in my fridge earned it’s own, scary Halloween top ten list.

7.   The deep freeze. If I open the freezer five minutes after defrosting and neatly stacking its contents, everything is a jumbled mess. How does that happen?

6.   The stack of books on my nightstand. Maybe our elementary school librarian knew what she was doing when she set a 3 book per week check out limit.

5.   Shoes. They behave much like the contents of our deep freeze. Only faster. Immediately after I shut the door, the shoes walk around and mess things up.

4.   Notepads. These are a paper version of Hydra. As soon as one free notepad gets used up, two more spring up to take it’s place.

3.   The fruit room. I haven’t canned in several years, but empty fruit jars keep appearing down there.

2.   Wrapping paper and bows. They look so pretty in the store, but they are evil, evil closet-messer-uppers of the worst kind.

1.   Undie and sock drawers. My more organized friends fold their panties and line up their socks so they lay smooth. But my modus operandi is why bother when nobody but me sees the wrinkles? So consider yourself privileged for this peek at my sock drawer!

So what defies organization at your house? Leave a comment about the black holes you contend with.