The first proofs (the edits on the original manuscript sent in by an author) are out of my hands. On Friday I emailed my first proof edits back to the publisher. Now the editor assigned to Different Dream Parenting will spend the next month wrestling with my changes and overseeing the typesetting. Then she’ll send the final proofs this direction for final inspection before it’s off to the printer.
Suddenly, life is not in the thrall of one, all-consuming task master. Suddenly, I have choices to make. Time to fill. A multitude of ideas to pursue. And no more excuses to avoid unpleasant tasks like weeding the flowerbeds. Boy, did they need weeding.
So this morning in the aftermath of last night’s doozy of a thunderstorm, while the sky cleared for a few short hours, my hands were busy pulling weeds, deadheading blossoms, pruning the plants in hanging baskets, and treating my arms and legs to an unplanned, but highly effective mud bath.
By the end of an hour, the flowers had been granted a reprieve in their battle against the weeds for access to the sun. The gardens no longer looked wild and neglected. The spreading violas were tame once more, the daisies were cut down to size, the dead rose buds were gone, and everything remaining had the natural, shaggy beauty my daughter loves.
I could have done more, but indoor tasks were calling. Lists to make, blogs to write, marketing to be done, emails to send, workshop presentations to prepare, new book proposals to plan. More than can possibly be done before the final proofs arrive.
But for a few short weeks, I’ll bask in the freedom and the chaos, the chance to dream and shape something new. I’ll dive into the mishmash of new beginnings and see where they go. I’ll enjoy unexpected mud baths and life with the natural, shaggy beauty of my flowerbeds. My empty hands are itching to get dirty. It’s time to bring on the mess!