This morning, I thought today’s post would be about the boiled peanuts we sampled at Hominy Grill in Charleston, South Carolina a few weeks back. The plan was to wax eloquent about this bizarre food, which our waiter said will soon be featured on the Bizarre Foods television show.
But that was before my day from support center hell began.
My descent into darkness began with a call to Mom’s long term care insurance company support center. It was the third such call in a week long effort to solve the mystery of the missing invoices. Invoices they say were never received. Invoices Mom’s in-home care service worker can prove were faxed, but she cheerfully resent yesterday. Hence my call today to see if they’d arrived.
They had.
Buoyed by success, I felt strong enough to tackle two more mysteries. The mystery of the missing Address Book contacts after installing OS X Lion on my Mac and moving to iCloud yesterday – for those of you already lost in the string of technical jargon, join the crowd. The only advantage I have over you is that I can spell the jargon – and the mystery of the missing invoice documenting the purchase of OS X Lion.
I shouldn’t have been so buoyed by success.
After three hours in the Apple Support Inferno, the first mystery was solved. My 800+ contacts are now safely restored to my computer’s Address Book. The invoice, on the other hand, the kind that usually hits the email inbox two seconds after clicking “purchase” has not yet arrived. The email that did arrive said, “They understand the importance of this issue,” and “They are looking into it,” and “It should arrive within 24 – 48 hours,” and if I’d like to chat further, call this number.”
I’m waiting the 24 – 48 hours.
Still, the day didn’t go up in smoke. My contact list is intact. Not only that, the list is floating around in the iCloud somewhere. Plus, I provided some dandy ammunition for MobileMe support person Joshua when he enters the “Can You Top This Level of Ignorance?” break room contest. Also during our online chat, I put together and baked an apple crisp. And because I’ve had enough Apple this afternoon, there’s no temptation to sample the crisp before taking it to friends later today.
I can’t stand the heat and am staying out of the kitchen.