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I have a bad case of blog envy this morning. It started when my husband borrowed my camera to take guitar-making pictures to post on his website. Pictures like this

and this

and this

and this

to engage the world in the construction of the guitar he’s making. Pretty cool, huh?

So cool it gave me a raging case of blog entry because guitar makers like Hiram, my friend Clare who blogs at, and other crafty souls – even the Decorah eagles’ nest – can post engaging, fascinating pictures people flock to see.

Writers have no such advantage. I suppose I could post pictures of a manuscript rough draft like this

and then post an update when a new sentence is added, like this

or jazz things up by highlighting de-dangled participles, like this

to get people excited about what I’m writing. But the progress of a bunch of words on a page will never be as interesting as the building of a guitar, making cashew chicken, or waiting for baby eagles to hatch. This explains why we writers are so often such tortured souls. We slave away in front of our computers, wrestling words into stories while the rest of the world makes visible progress on guitars, meals, and other stuff that’s for the birds.

But no more blog envy for me. I won’t grow bitter. Instead, I’ll spend the morning purging my manuscript of exclamation points and commas and poor grammar. It’s not a glitzy job or an easy one, but somebody has to do it.

Such is the life of a writer.
